The New Aviation Hub


Normanas business unit dedicated entirely to provide support, analysis, and decision making on the overall strategy of your aeronautical endeavor.

A plane soaring the skies


A one-of-a-kind aeronautical cluster offering comprehensive customer support and turn-key solutions for corporate identity, digital platforms, and content development, all with unwavering industry focus.

An airport runawy from top perspective


Normanas answer to enhance airport growth by implementing out of the box analysis and increase operational reliability by integrating newest available technologies.

A busy airport from the outside


Supporting airlines through innovative tools for fleet and route planning, providing key engineering support on medullar areas of the business.

Top perspective of a plane about to take off from the runway

About Us

Learn how Normanas is paving the research lead on new aerospace trends, by providing firsthand reports and use cases for current aviation questions and challenges.

A plane taking off in the sunset

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