Strategic Consulting

Normanas is your premier partner for strategic consulting services in the aviation industry. With a laser focus on growth development, business transformation, and market analysis, we are dedicated to helping airlines, OEM’s, airports, and aerospace IT companies thrive in a rapidly changing landscape.Whether you seek to elevate your market presence, revolutionize your business model, or gain a competitive edge, we are committed to work with our clients towards obtaining the desired results in the dynamic world of aviation.

A man walking inside an airpot with luggage


Corporate Strategy

  • Market Positioning
  • Competitive Advantage Formulation
  • Strategic Alliances
  • Partnership Development
  • Organizational Design
  • Operational Optimization

Structure and Governance

  • Process Improvement
  • Value Generation and Optimization

Corporate Growth

  • Market Segmentation
  • Targeting & Sales Channel Development

Growth Development

  • Business Plans
  • Product Diversification & Innovation
  • Strategic Market Entry
  • Expansion Planning
  • Custom Growth Tactics
  • Expansion Strategy

International Strategy

  • Market Analysis & Adaptation
  • Cultural Sensitivities & Regulatory Compliance

Inorganic Growth - M&A

  • Synergy Evaluation & Target Identification
  • Comercial Due Diligence

Turnaround & Restructuring

  • Crisis Management
  • Stabilization
  • Debt Restructuring
  • Financial Feasibility
  • Strategic Realignment
  • Operational Restructuring

Market Analysis

  • Sector-specific Analysis
  • Competitive Landscape
  • Demand Forecasting
  • Benchmarking
  • Market Trends & Challenges

Digital Transformation

  • Technology Integration
  • IT Optimization
  • Customer Experience Enchancement
  • Disruptive Innovation
  • Performance Metric Development


From Analysis to Strategy Implementation

Needs Assessment

Data Collection and Analysis

Problem Identification/Diagnosis

Solution Development

Strategy Implementation

Change Management

Performance Monitoring

Continuous Improvement

Knowledge Transfer

Relationship Management


Cost Leadership

Production Differentiation

Focused Low-Cost

Focused Differentiation


Customer Intimacy


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